Dear Guest,  Welcome to cartilagerepair.eu. The aim of this webpage is to provide comprehensive information about the cartilage, its major disorders and defects, as well as the up-to-date possible ways of cartilage repair. We recommend this page for everyone interested in cartilage problems either because is suffering from any illness related to musculoskeletal problems or for genuine reason. Cartilage research is one of the hot topics in the recent years and as a result of a grant founded by the EU and the Hungarian Ministry of Economy  from the year of 2005 major research commenced in Pecs, Hungary, to introduce novel technologies of cartilage repair (e.g., cartilage cell implantation) in Hungary. The research is conducted by the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at University of Pecs, Hungary.

Being this webpage interactive, we welcome all suggestions and questions you want to address to us.

We wish you a helpful browsing!


Tamás Bárdos, MD, PhD

Project coordinator


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